I have been waiting for a Tangrams app to come to the App Store and I just bought this one today and I am really happy with it. I have a few suggestions for how to make this great app even better (that I have already shared with the developer and he has generously agreed to consider them for future updates):
(1) Some gameplay music would be very good (with an option to turn off if needed). I know that you could play your own music while playing the game but I still feel that some gameplay music would be fun.
(2) It would be good to have some sound effects when rotating the pieces and when putting a piece in the right place (with an option to turn off if needed).
(3) Right now, when trying to align a piece in the given shape, I feel that the auto-fit mechanic could be a bit better.
(4) It would be very useful to have a dedicated way to get the hints without having to go to the main menu to do the same.
Overall, a very good port of an excellent game !
Nitin about Tangrams